Mar 14, 2020, 1:24 PM

Russia calls Ankara talks on Idlib 'constructive'

Russia calls Ankara talks on Idlib 'constructive'

TEHRAN, Mar. 14 (MNA) – Russian-Turkish negotiations in Ankara were constructive and will allow the two sides to implement all bilateral agreements pertaining to the northwestern Syrian province of Idlib, the Russian Defenсe Ministry said on Saturday.

Russia and Turkey inked a ceasefire deal earlier this month ensuring the cessation of hostilities between Turkish and Syrian forces in the province of Idlib in northwestern Syria. The two sides established joint military patrols in the area.

Russian-Turkish negotiations in Ankara were constructive and will allow the two sides to implement all bilateral agreements pertaining to the northwestern Syrian province of Idlib, Sputnik quoted the Russian Defenсe Ministry on Saturday.

"The negotiations with our Turkish partners held in Ankara were constructive. Their results will allow [the sides] to implement all agreements on the Idlib de-escalation zone that were reached by the Russian and Turkish presidents in Moscow on 5 March", the ministry said in a statement.

The ministry added that the two countries would hold their first joint patrol along the strategic M4 highway in Syria on 15 March, according to Sputnik.

Earlier this week, Russian President Vladimir Putin and his Turkish counterpart, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, welcomed a de-escalation in the northwestern Syrian province of Idlib during a phone conversation. Putin and Erdogan agreed on the need to continue regular dialogue on different levels to keep the situation on the ground in Idlib stable.

Russia, Turkey, and Iran are the ceasefire guarantors in conflict-affected Syria. Russia regularly carries out humanitarian operations across the country and helps Damascus in providing safe passage for the return of Syrian refugees.


News ID 156698


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